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لن يستغني عنه كل من يتعلم الألمانية Collins Talking German-English

Collins Talking German-English

ليه ده أقوى قواميس اللغات
لأن مميزات هذا القاموس غير مسبوقة
أولا:القاموس لجميع المستويات بدأ من المبتدىء و حتى محترفي الترجمة.
ثانيا:القاموس يحتوي على أكثر من 80000 كلمة ألمانية.
ثالثا:ميزة ترجمة النصوص, حيث يقوم القاموس بترجمة النصوص الكاملة بدقة و بسرعة.
رابعا:ميزة الاستماع إلى النطق الصحيح للكلمة.
خامسا:يحتوي على مجموعة من البرامج التي تساعد المتعلم على اتقان اللغة بسرعة و منها الكلمات المتقاطعة التي تستخدم كلمات اللغة الجديدة و مرادفها باللغة الإنجليزية.
هذا بجانب العديد من الامكانيات الأخرى.
ابدأ بالتحميل فورا, بس الأول اقرأ النبذة دي عن البرنامج بالانجليزي لو عايز تعرف أكتر.

• For beginner to advanced, as well as professional and business users
• Tools for speedy and accurate translation of any text on your computer
• Over 80,000 words and phrases and more than 120,000 translations
• Can be used with any other computer application to translate words and phrases
• Crosswords, Statistics, Shooting Gallery, AudioPad
This software will be helpful for anyone who needs to use the German or English – students from beginner to advanced level, as well as professional and business users who need it at work. Now you can have the highest quality bilingual dictionary always to hand. The dictionary comes with a set of tools for speedy and accurate look-up of any words or phrases on your computer.
Intense Language Office incorporates the very latest computer-based learning exercises which enable you to increase your German vocabulary more quickly than with traditional methods. You can gradually build up your vocabulary using sets of 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 most common words.
• Vocabulary
Over 80,000 words and phrases
Over 120,000 translations
The voices of professional native speakers are used in the audio recordings. The variety of settings and levels makes the software simple and straightforward to use. The dictionary can be used with any other computer application to translate words and phrases, as well as for listening to the correct pronunciation of German and English words.
• Crosswords
Doing crosswords is the best way to increase your vocabulary in no time
• Statistics
Your progress is monitored and displayed with helpful graphics
• Shooting Gallery
This entertaining and dynamic exercise enables you to not only memorize the words you need but also type them correctly
• AudioPad
Practise and perfect your pronunciation with the help of professionals.
• Reliability and innovation
Whether you’re adding interactive video, migrating to CSS, conforming to accessibility regulations, preparing for IPv6 conversion, or experimenting with mobile content, Creative Suite 3 Web Premium lets you work well today and grow for tomorrow.

و زي ما عودناكم
الكورسات دي مرفوعة من فريق عمل المنتدى
و متاحة للجميع



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