


Proteome Software Scaffold Qplus.v3.0

Proteome Software Scaffold Qplus.v3.0

برنامج متخصص للابحاث البيولوجية و العينات و دراستها و المقارنة و فحص الاحتمالات الاحصائية للبروتينات و الاحتمالات التجريبية
قد لا يهم البرنامج كثير من الاخوة و الاخوات لكنه يبقى مهما للمختصين خصوصا لسعره المرتفع
و اعتقد انه من المفيد تواجده ضمن قائمة البرامج
و من الافضل عرض المعلومات باللغة الانجليزية بالنسبة للمختصين
Visualize, Validate and Quantify iTRAQ-Labelled, Complex MS/MS Proteomics Experiments

Quantitate 4-plex and 8-plex (iTRAQ) and 6-plex (TMT) biological samples.

View and share supporting data.
Check statistical probabilities.
Verify that statistics are valid for your data across experimental data.
Meet journal standards.

Scaffold combined with Genologics' Proteus LIMS makes a high throughput proteomics pipeline
Sorcerer and Scaffold

Scaffold is a component of the Sage-N Research's Sorcerer integrated data appliance

View a graphic comparison of protein expression between samples. Scaffold displays a complete, experiment-wide view of the proteins identified in a tandem mass spectrometry experiment. The side-by-side display of all the samples allows you to understand which proteins are differentially expressed. Protein identification results are displayed as probability scores, allowing you to balance the number of proteins and the confidence level of each identification. Automatic annotation of the proteins aids you in interpreting the biological relevance of your data.


Identify proteins from MS/MS data by validating results from multiple search engines. Scaffold uses proven statistical algorithms to calculate the probability that proteins are actually in your biological samples. Detailed results help detect false positives by allowing you to focus on a protein and examine the peptide and spectra evidence supporting the identification.


Organize and share key MS/MS data with colleagues. With its free viewer, Scaffold makes it easy to share experimental results with colleagues. Scaffold also helps you prepare for publication, by capturing the information proteomics journals require in a paper’s methods section.
Minimum System Requirements:

Windows Vista, XP or 2000, Apple or Linux

1 GB RAM minimum (unless you run 64-bit)

64-bit Operating System - Scaffold can handle many more spectra and much larger datasets if a 64-bit system is used. Scaffold 64-bit is available for download, and these 64-bit systems run best with 2+ GB RAM
Scaffold Capabilities - Files Scaffold and Scaffold Q+ Reads:

Data formats for SEQUEST® = *.dta and *.out, *.ms2 and *.sqt, and *.srf; Mascot® = *.dat; X! Tandem® = *.xml; Phenyx = *.scaffold-pidres.xml; OMSSA = *.omx; Waters® IdentityE = *.xml (Note: These files must be created from our plugin in the new version of Waters PLGS); Proteome Discoverer = *.msf

Maximum dataset size in one Scaffold file = 500,000 spectra.
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