


مستشعرات دخان الحريق عالية الجودة Conventional

يسر شركة Royal Surveillance systems المتخصصة في جميع أنظمة الاتصالات و الأنظمة الأمنية ولديها خبراء متخصصون في تلك الأنظمةCommunication & Security & Control Systems بعرض أحدث مستشعرات دخان الحريق عالية الجودة Conventional والتى حققت المعادلة الصعبة والتى يبحث عنها أى عميل أعلى كفاءة بأقل سعر .

somke detector HD101-mini.jpg


  • Operating Voltage Range: 9 to 28 VDC Volts Non-polarized
  • Standby Current: ≤120µA@24VDC
  • Maximum Alarm Current (LED on): ≤20mA@24VDC (1K Ohm current-limiting resistance). 
  • Operating Humidity Range: ≤95%RH(40°C±2°C) Relative Humidity, Non-condensing. 
  • Operating Temperature Range: -10°C to 50°C (14°F to 122°F)


The detectors are photo-electronic detector uses a state of-the-art optical sensing chamber. This detector is designed to provide open area protection and to be used with most conventional fire alarm panel. Two LEDs on each detector provide local 360° visible alarm indication. They flash every six seconds indicating that power is applied and the detector is working properly. The LEDs latch on in alarm. LEDs will be off when a trouble condition exists indicating that the detector sensitivity is outside the listed limit. The alarm can be reset only by a momentary power interruption. The detector that initiated the alarm condition will have its red LED and relays latched until reset by panel. Heat detector and smoke & heat detector combine a photo electronic sensing chamber and a temperature heat detector. 

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034850367 – 01224179788 – 01098836236

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