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برنامج تحويل الصور لصور مرسومه باليد

Fotosketcher 3.0 Final

برنامج fotosketcher المذهل لتحويل صورك لصور مرسومة باليد وبعدة طرق اذا كنت تريد منظرا فنيا ومذهلا لصورك الخاصه او اى صوره تريد جرب برنامج fotosketcher المذهل والفنى والرائع لتحويل الصور العادية التى تخلو من اى فن وجمال الى صور فنيه وجميله جدا فبه ميزات عديدة فيمكنك ان تحول صورك الى صور مرسومه باليد ويمكنك من تحويل الصور الى صور مرسومه بالقلم الرصاص وايضا يمكنك من جعل صورك كأنها مرسومه بالحبر كما ان به خاصية رائعه جدا وهى انك يمكنك تعديل اى جزء من الصوره ويمكنك تعديل الخامات وبه حفظ الى حيث انه يحفظ لك الصوره بدون ان تحفظها بنفسك ويمكنك تطبيق ما فعلته على هذه الصوره على اى صوره اخرى بدون ان تحرك يدك حتى انه برنامج رائع وبه العديد والعديد من المزايا اكتشفها بنفسك

FotoSketcher converts your digital images into pencil sketches, pen and ink drawings or various painting styles (watercolor, oil painting etc.). Just load the photo, select the desired sketch style and the program will instantly apply the effect. You can tweak various drawing parameters to simulate different drawing styles, add a photo frame or text, and save the digital sketch as new image without changing your original photo.

In addition to sketch and paint conversions, Fotosketcher can also apply vintage photo and sepia effects.
FotoSketcher is an easy to use software solution that converts the image files stored on your computer to pencil sketches with user-defined parameters.

Although it provides a great amount of editing features, FotoSketcher remains a very easy to use application, and the main component that makes it that way is the interface.

With a split screen to show you the original and the edited photo, FotoSketcher also boasts multiple parameters, which allow any user to configure the way the pencil sketch looks like.

For example, you can select the drawing style and adjust edge threshold and intensity, color intensity, darken or lighten the drawing, set the level of contrast, soften edges, add a frame or add text. The drawing style includes multiple modes, such as pencil sketches, painting effects, pixelation, colored dots and other miscellaneous effects such as vivify, vintage and merge source and edited photos.

Additionally, FotoSketcher also allows the user to modify the source image by adjusting brightness, contrast, saturation, blur and sharpen, with separate sliders to let you easily configure all these parameters.

Unfortunately, FotoSketcher works with only three image formats, namely JPG, BMP and PNG.

While the number of features is impressive, FotoSketcher remains pretty easy to use, mostly thanks to the fact that the app shows preview screens all the time, allowing you to see your modifications in real time as you apply them.

الحجم : 6 ميجا




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