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برنامج قفل الملفات بباسوورد My Lockbox Pro

My Lockbox Pro

مع هذا البرنامج يمكنك حماية مجلداتك وملفاتك الهامه بعيد عن العابثين وحجب مابداخلها عن الآخرين
البرنامج يمتاز بسهولة التعامل معه
كما أنه لا يمكن لأحد فتح المجلدات إلا بكلمة السر
أيضاً البرنامج يدعم كل أنظمة الأقراص لديك FAT, FAT32, NTFS

My Lockbox™ enables you to hide, lock and password protect almost any folder on your computer. You can use My Lockbox to hide your private data from prying eyes - your files will be not accessible both from local and remote users.

Extremely easy in use;

Clear and convenient user interface available in more than 10 different languages;

Hotkey combinations for basic actions;

Instant data protection with no limits on size of the protected data;

Password protection for locked data and program uninstall;

Free edition protects one folder with unlimited number of subfolders. Professional edition protects unlimited number of folders;

Supports all modern Windows operating systems (XP, Vista, 7, 8) including 64-bit editions;

Instant and safe online password recovery;

Almost any folder on your computer can be password protected;

Prevents you from locking system-critical folders, e.g. C:\Windows;

Trusted processes feature lets backup, antivirus or similar software to backup or scan your protected folder;

Protects folders even in Windows safe mode;

Renaming upper-level folder would not reveal protected files;

Modern skinned user interface;

7 ميجا بايت



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