لتنظيم الملفات Tabbles Home Edition 1.3.8
Tabbles Home Edition 1.3.8 | 11,5 Mb
تنظيم الملفات باستخدام السمات البصرية
OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7
Tabbles can categorize files and folders, storing them in tebblah (tags) and then you can find them easy to remember what was this or that file, and thus quickly and easily find the message you would like.
Even if you are a very organized person, sooner or later, you may encounter a problem in which folder to save this file? "I remember later where this file if you keep it in this folder?", "Can make a copy this file?".
The program Tabbles such problems would not arise!
حمل :
تنظيم الملفات باستخدام السمات البصرية
OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7
Tabbles can categorize files and folders, storing them in tebblah (tags) and then you can find them easy to remember what was this or that file, and thus quickly and easily find the message you would like.
Even if you are a very organized person, sooner or later, you may encounter a problem in which folder to save this file? "I remember later where this file if you keep it in this folder?", "Can make a copy this file?".
The program Tabbles such problems would not arise!
حمل :
شي حلو كتتتير يعني قصدك على شكل الملفات مو هيك يسلمو كتتتير