الاصدار الاخير من الكودك الرهيب الافضل على الاطلاق K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 10.4.0 Fina

v10.4.0 Final

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الاصدار الاخير من الكودك الرهيب والاشهر عالميا
K-Lite codec mega Pack 10.4.0 Final
يعد البرنامج افضل مشغلات الفيديو على الاطلاق
يحتوى على عدد هائل من الاكواد المدمجة معه ويدعم معظم الصيغ المعروفة
لن تواجه مع هذا البرنامج اى مشاكل فى تشغيل اى فيديو مهما كانت صيغته فهو بحق افضل
البرامج المطروحة على الساحة وواحد من العلامات الفارقة فى تاريخ البرامج ككل
البرنامج غنى التعريف و واسع الانتشار
لانه ببساطة الافضل فى مجال الميديا على الاطلاق
K-Lite codec Pack - a free Pack of codecs, DirectShow filters and tools associated with them. Codecs and DirectShow filters are needed for encoding and decoding audio and video formats. K-Lite codec Pack is different from other similar packages, the lack of conflicts between codecs, easy to install and use that deservedly made him the most popular. The components of K-Lite codec Pack you should be able to play all the popular and many rare video and audio formats. The main characteristics of K-Lite codec Pack - Latest version of the best codecs. - All components of the "K-Lite codec Pack" are chosen so that between them there were no conflicts. - The installation is very simple. If desired, you can choose only those codecs and tools that you really need. - At any time you can completely or partially remove the K-Lite codec Pack, leaving at the same time, no trace of his stay (including registry keys). - Each Pack is tested for the presence of possible conflicts between codecs and other programs. - K-Lite codec Pack is trying to avoid problems between new and already installed codecs on your computer, and can even solve some of the existing ones. OS : Windows All Language : English Release date : 24.03.2014 Size : 30 MB

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