برنامج متخصص للتعامل مع الهارد (تقسيم - نسخ....)
Paragon Partition Manager 10 Server 2009 - x86/ 122M
يقسم الهارد بدون خسارة المعلومات الموجودة عليه وينسخ الاقسام بسرعة عالية ويغير نوع نظام الملفات ويدعم ويندوز 7
This is the latest and most advanced Partition Manager on the market.Basic Partitioning: Create, format, delete or undelete partitions, set, change or remove drive letters etc.
Advanced Partitioning: Repartition hard disks without data loss, redistribute free space between partitions, merge two partitions to one, enlarge NTFS partitions without rebooting Windows or interrupting your work etc.Latest OS and Media Support _Enjoy full-fledged support for the 32bit and 64bit versions of Windows, including the new Windows 7 and Server 2008, Vista and XP, Blu-ray discs, the new GPT-formatted hard disks (used in Windows 7/Vista/Server 2008, Mac_ OS X and Linux) and the latest Linux-Kernel.
Easy Hard Disk Migration _Automatically removes free space and proportionally resizes partitions to eliminate additional configuration and downtime costs.
Creation of Bootable Media -Create WinPE/Linux/DOS bootable media on a USB flash drive for fast, reliable maintenance and recovery operations.
Improved two level user interface. A refined user interface with two experience levels (Easy/Advanced) will satisfy the needs of every customer.
Green Advantage. Partition Manager is a valuable asset, because it helps keep a server safe and secured in a short amount of time. With this added protection from system disasters, you save time and money in maintaining your IT infrastructure. Saving time and money translates in saving energy as well.

يقسم الهارد بدون خسارة المعلومات الموجودة عليه وينسخ الاقسام بسرعة عالية ويغير نوع نظام الملفات ويدعم ويندوز 7
This is the latest and most advanced Partition Manager on the market.Basic Partitioning: Create, format, delete or undelete partitions, set, change or remove drive letters etc.
Advanced Partitioning: Repartition hard disks without data loss, redistribute free space between partitions, merge two partitions to one, enlarge NTFS partitions without rebooting Windows or interrupting your work etc.Latest OS and Media Support _Enjoy full-fledged support for the 32bit and 64bit versions of Windows, including the new Windows 7 and Server 2008, Vista and XP, Blu-ray discs, the new GPT-formatted hard disks (used in Windows 7/Vista/Server 2008, Mac_ OS X and Linux) and the latest Linux-Kernel.
Easy Hard Disk Migration _Automatically removes free space and proportionally resizes partitions to eliminate additional configuration and downtime costs.
Creation of Bootable Media -Create WinPE/Linux/DOS bootable media on a USB flash drive for fast, reliable maintenance and recovery operations.
Improved two level user interface. A refined user interface with two experience levels (Easy/Advanced) will satisfy the needs of every customer.
Green Advantage. Partition Manager is a valuable asset, because it helps keep a server safe and secured in a short amount of time. With this added protection from system disasters, you save time and money in maintaining your IT infrastructure. Saving time and money translates in saving energy as well.

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