


برنامج تحويل الفيديوهات الى 3D بمميزات رائعه MakeMe3D

برنامج تحويل الفيديوهات الى 3D بمميزات رائعه MakeMe3D

MakeMe3D لتحويل الفيديوهات الى 3D

برنامج سهل الاستخدام لتحويل الافلام من 2D الى 3D مع عده خيارات نوع الشاشه او نوع النظارات المستخدمهMakeMe3D — еhis software can convert existing 2D-videos automatically into the third dimension. The new 3D-videos are compatible to the known Anaglyph 3D glasses and to the new Stereoscopic 3D Hardware. 3D is currently 'the one' new technique. What was hardly conceivable a few months ago has become reality long since. The audience in the cinema put on the 3D-glasses to watch movies in a completely new dimension. And a lot more is happening: the industry is busy tinkering with the 3D-Blu-ray Disc, the 3D-TV and the 3D-computer. This undoubtedly marks only the beginning of a new 3D-boom, which will keep entertainment electronics and IT-sector busy for the next ten years.


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