أفضل برنامج الصوتيات Winamp PRO 5.666 Build 3512 Final بحجم صغير + كيجن التفعيل
INFO عملاق تشغيل الصوتيات الافضل فى العالم Winamp
Winamp Pro 5.666 Build 3512 Final
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فى اخر اصداراته Winamp PRO 5.666 build 3512 Final باخر التحديثات
البرنامج ذائع الصيت وغنى عن التعريف نظرا للامكانات الكبيرة التى يتمتع بها والتى
ينفرد بها عن كافة البرامج المنافسة له فى هذا المجال
يدعم البرنامج كافة الصيغ المعروفة والغير معروفة وهو ما يغنيك عن استخدام البرامج الاخرى
برنامج اساسى لا غنى عنه لاى جهاز وينصح به دائما وابدا
Winamp - one of the best media player. Key features: playing music files (supports all popular formats MP3, OGG, AAC, WAV, MOD, XM, S3M, IT, MIDI, etc), also allows you to view video files, CD-Audio discs, Minibrowser to work with the audio stream from the Internet, a wide wardrobe for skins and plug-ins, select files from the PlayList, equalizer, visualization, and more.
Main features of Winamp
"The revised unified interface, which includes Album Art
"The ability to remote playback and sharing for music and videos
"The function dynamically recommended playlist for listening to songs
"Multi-channel surround sound MP3
"The function of the batch add tags adds the most new metadata about music
"Built-in Internet search of information about the artists and Phonograms
"Album Art Support for Portable Devices
"Updated Podcast Directory and Download Manager
"Full integration with a Web browser and customizable links
"The new plug-in visualization - Milkdrop 2
"Playing an incredible amount of audio and video
"Sovmetimost with plugins Winamp 2
"Full Support for Classic and modern shells
"Access to over 18,000 SHOUTcast Radio
"Enjoy thousands of free songs and videos
"Playing videolist AOL for video
"Download thousands of shells and plugins
New features
• Internal support for playback of video encoded in H.264 (Pro version only)
• Purchase of tickets and music, as well as search lyrics straight out of the windows media player
• Compatible with Windows 7/8
• Winamp OrglerTM - the ability to track, create charts and conduct public history plays
• Find and control the plug directly into your media player
• 16 language packs, including Turkish, Romanian and Brazilian Portuguese
• The version of "Pro"! Rips CDs to MP3 format
• The version of "Pro"! Rips CDs into formats aacPlus, AAC, WMA
• The version of "Pro"! Rips CDs to the format HE-AAC
• The version of "Pro"! Burn CDs
Winamp 5.666
* Improved: Added a Reset button to clear history in the Open/Add URL dialog
* Improved: Added an option to disable the mouse wheel from altering the volume
* Improved: Added more commandline switches (run: winamp.exe /? to see full list)
* Improved: All menus now use the skinned style when option is enabled in ML settings
* Improved: Disable all online features when no internet connection selected in Prefs
* Improved: High DPI & text scaling compatibility fixes for dialogs & library views
* Improved: Increased notification area tooltips up to 128 chars (instead of 64)
* Improved: Library views now optionally group the 'Play' and 'Enqueue' buttons
* Improved: Mass metadata editor from library now also available in Playlist Editor
* Improved: Retry UAC prompt if user previously selected "No" (for relevant settings)
* Improved: Speed-up of Winamp shutdown process
* Improved: [gen_ff] Added a setting to control show/hide time for docked toolbars
* Improved: [gen_ml] Drag & drop handling tweaks
* Improved: [ml_downloads] Added 'Size' column
* Improved: [ml_history] New options for resuming playback (for podcasts or all files)
* Improved: [ml_history] Added a 'Play Offset' column with right-click option to clear
* Improved: [ml_local] Added Podcast, BPM & Rating fields to Ctrl+E metadata editor
* Improved: [ml_playlists] Option to use source file instead of database-managed copy
* Improved: [ml_nowplaying/wire] Added support to use alternative services
* Improved: [ml_pmp] Added a simple view to match Local library support
* Improved: [pmp_android/usb] Added
* Fixed: Agent not using Winamp window if a clone is already running (eg. KMPlayer)
* Fixed: Fallback issue with lang packs when loading accelerator tables
* Fixed: Length not being read when set to read titles on load
* Fixed: Ratings-related freeze on right-clicking large selections in playlist editor
* Fixed: Saving to wrong extension for the 'Save As' action in the Alt+3 Artwork tab
* Fixed: Unicode characters not displaying in taskbar when some old plugins are present
* Fixed: Various issues with aero-peek and docking of freeform skins as an appbar
* Fixed: [gen_jumpex] 'Jump to File' window not always visible when pressing 'J' or 'F3'
* Fixed: [gen_ff] Docking to bottom/right when windowframe scale is anything but 1.0
* Fixed: [gen_jumpex] Broken 'Add to Library' shell menu item
* Fixed: [gen_tray] Lockup/double-start issues when using the 'Prev' action
* Fixed: [in_flac] Removal of embedded artwork
* Fixed: [in_midi] Memory comparison crash with badly formed .kar files
* Fixed: [libmp4v2] Crash due to invalid pointer check on corrupt files
* Fixed: [ml_local] Search filters with unicode characters not being remembered
* Fixed: [pmp_android/usb] Crash on bad path
* Fixed: [pmp_android/usb] Use filename if no metadata available to generate filepath
* Misc: [installer] Added a "Winamp (Safe Mode)" option to start menu icons
* Misc: More general tweaks, improvements, fixes and optimizations (lots of them!)
* Updated: [enc_fhgaac] Fraunhofer AAC Encoder v3.02.16
* Updated: [enc/in_vorbis] libogg 1.3.1
* Updated: [gen_jumpex] JTFE v1.31
* Updated: [in_wave] libsndfile 1.0.25

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Download Winamp Pro 5.666 Build 3512 Final