عملاق تنظيف الويندوز وصيانة الجهاز CCleaner 4.08.4428 تحميل مباشر
CCleaner 4.08.4428 Final
Installer + Portable
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الاصدار الجديد من البرنامج العملاق
CCleaner 4.08.4428
أفضل برامج تنظيف و صيانة الجهاز الغنى عن التعريف
وظائف البرنامج لا غنى عنها فهو يزيل الملفات
الضارة و مخلفات استخدامك للويندوز لفترات طويلة و هو ما يمنحك
نظاما أفضل و أكثر مرونة و تصفح انترنت أسرع
برنامج مميز غنى عن التعريف و ينصح به دائما لكل المستخدمين
CCleaner is the number-one tool for cleaning your Windows PC. It protects your privacy online and makes your computer faster and more secure. ccleaner is easy to use and a small, fast download and user interface has the modern look. ccleaner is a freeware system optimization and privacy tool. Removes unused files from your system – allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history. ccleaner can run from a USB thumbdrive and be installed/run on a computer without a complicated setup process. It is possible to specify files, folders and registry keys to ignore from the cleaning process. But the best part is that it’s fast (normally taking less than a second to run) and contains NO Spyware or Adware! Changes in ccleaner 3.28.1913 - Improved Windows 8 compatibility. - Improved cleaning for Windows Log Files. - Improved memory usage and performance on Windows 7. - Improved cleaning for Adobe Flash Player and ConvertXToDVD. - Added cleaning for Gadu-Gadu and Foxit Phantom PDF. - Faster automatic updating for Pro version. - Updated various translations. - Minor GUI improvements. - Minor bug fixes.

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CCleaner 4.08.4428