


برنامج نسخ و حرق الاسطوانات StarBurn 15.2 Build 20131129 Multilanguage : تحميل مباشر

StarBurn 15.2 Build 20131129 Multilanguage

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برنامج يقوم بنسخ الاسطوانات , ويعتبر البرنامج الافضل فهو يعمل على نسخ جميع الاقراص المدمجة وبجودة عالية جدا ..البرنامج لديه عنايه فائقه بالملفات التي يتم نسخها بحيث يتم تقليل الخطا الناتج عن فقد الملفات

Complete solution for ripping and copying CD, DVD, Blu-Ray and HD-DVD. With so many different types of optical storage platforms around at the moment it's easy to get confused about the best software to use to rip or copy your disks. StarBurn is a nice solution because it supports a wide range of different disk formats, and it's also free. With starburn you can record data, music, an image of a CD or DVD, extract tracks of audio, generate a disk image and even compress different formats from audio in MP3 or OGG. Anyone with even a passing knowledge of Windows XP will be able to pick up...

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: 20 MB

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DownLoad StarBurn 15.2 Build 20131129 Multilanguage

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