


تحميل لعبه المغامرات والاثاره مغامرات الفضاء ASA A Space Adventure

تحميل , لعبه , مغامره , فضاء , ASA A Space Adventure

أقدم لكم اليوم لعبه اكثر من رائعه لعبه الاثاره والمغامرات ( مغامرات الفضاء )
Space adventure
باصدارها الاخير لهذا العام

معلومات اللعبه:
Publisher: Simon_ASA
Developer: Simon_ASA
Genre: Adventure, Puzzle
Release Name: ASA.A.Space.Adventure-HI2U
Size: 951.45 MB

صور للعبه:

You’re an astronaut sent to repair an old satellite. You just finished your mission when you notice a mysterious black cube drifting near you. You’re totally hypnotized by this thing and suddenly jump in the space, breaking your security cable ! That’s crazy, you seem to have forgotten all the dangers here, and when you finally catch this cube… your oxygen is low and you have no way to go back !!! But strangely, to you, the most important is that you have this Cube in your arms, and that you won’t drop it until you’re dead ! It now seems so important and fascinating…


Visit 9 different environments (6 areas on the main spaceship, 2 planets, 1 satellite)
Benefits of ponctual 360° views for a better immersion.
The game presents various 3D movies and is rythmed with an original soundtrack by Karreo.
Walk in the steps of another astronaut, who will help you to find your way. Read his diary to find clues and make the storyline evolve.

* لتحميل الملفات بشكل أسرع حمل Internet Download Manger باصداره الاخير لعام 2013

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Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

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