


تحميل لعبه السباق والسرعه CrashDay باصدارها 2013

سباق , سيارات, CrashDay , سرعه , كراش , عربيات

أقدم لكم لعبه السرعه والسباق والتصادم
لعبه كراش داي باصدارها الاخير لعام 2013 CrashDay

معلومات عن اللعبه :

Release: Dec 20, 2006
Genre: Driving / Racing
Developer: Replay Studios
Language: English
Size: 530MB

Crashday gives you the chance of taking part in a lot of different series of races. Besides the well known circuit , sprint and checkpoint racing, Crashday brings some very cool and original types or races. The stunt races ussualy take place in smaller areas with a lot of ramps and obstacles, and your objective is to make use of the environment as well as you can to perferm the coolest stunts, and get the most amount of points for them.

متطلبات التشغيل :

Minimum Requirements

1.5GHz Processor
1GB Hard Disk Space
64MB GeForce 3 or Radeon 8500 class Video Card with Pixel and Vertex Shader support
DirectX compatible Sound Card
DirectX 9.0c

Recommended Requirements

2.5GHz Processor
1GB Hard Disk Space
256MB DirectX compatible Video Card
DirectX compatible Sound Card
DirectX 9.0c

Install Notes

1. UnRAR.
2. Mount/burn the image.
3. Install the game.
4. Install the update and copy crack from Crack folder.
5. Play the game.

* لتحميل الملفات بشكل أسرع حمل Internet Download Manger باصداره الاخير لعام 2013

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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

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