


تحميل اللعبه الرائعه Teddy Floppy Ear Kayaking v1.0-TE

Teddy , Floppy , Ear , Kayaking , v1.0-TE , لعبه , تحميل

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Teddy Floppy Ear Kayaking v1.0-TE | 231.22 MB

تعريف اللعبه :

Send your kid onto an unforgettable journey with the world’s most charming bear! Teddy Floppy Ear is a main character of series of adventure games for the children, based on the on famous polish cartoon. Each game mixes entertaining adventure with a healthy dose of learning. In “Kayaking” episode Teddy Floppy Ear takes advantage of beautiful, spring weather and goes on a kayaking trip with his friend Piglet. There he finds out that there is a problem with Mr. Catfish who acts a little too bossy, and needs to be taught a lesson in kindness. During his trip, our hero solves numerous puzzles testing child’s mathematical skills, eye-hand coordination, logical thinking and perceptiveness. Beautiful hand-painted graphics, soothing music, entertaining and violence free story keep your child occupied for hours.

مميزات اللعبه :

Great for even the youngest kids
Educational value
Absolutely no violence
Numerous mini-games for variety
Subtitles as an option

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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

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