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شاشة التوقف Betta Fish Tank الرائعة تتحكم بكل تفاصيلها

شاشة التوقف

Betta Fish Tank الرائعة تتحكم بكل تفاصيلها

شاشة توقف مائية (حوض أسماك)
لها العديد من المزايا الرائعة والجميلة وتستطيع التحكم بكل تفاصيلها
تستطيع ان تختار انواع الاسماك التي تسبح في الحوض

ويمكنك الاختيار اي الاصوات التي ترغب بسماعها اثناء تشغيل الشاشة
تعطي جهازك مظهر رائع جدا وتذهب بك الى عالم اخر





Betta Fish Tank Screensaver beautifies your desktop and brings a marine ecosystem to your computer. You can not only relax and enjoy the colorful fish, but you can also create a custom audio play list and use it as a background.

There is a way to set the aquarium light color to be picked up with the color picker from the aquarium setting windows. This screensaver has an automatic fish feeder that will best accommodate your needs as well as the needs of fish.

If you have some very nice picture of aquariums or flowers on your computer, so you can use these pictures on the back of the aquarium as your own aquarium background.

Betta fish are popular tropical fish for the home aquarium with a plentiful variety of pigments and tail and fin shapes. Betta fish tank screensaver has 15 unique types of betta fish such as betta splendens, betta bellica, betta coccina, and betta picta, etc.

If you want some beautiful, healthy betta fish, swimming happily in a stunning tank, without having to spend a bundle or constantly worry about your betta's health, then this is the screensaver for you.

System Requirements:

•Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit), Windows Server® 2008 (32 bit and 64 bit);
•1.0 GHz, single-core minimum. Recommended: Intel 1.5 GHz dual-core or better;
•256 MB RAM minimum. Recommended: 512 MB or more;
•100 MB of hard-disk space for program installation;
•Display dimensions of 1024x768 or greater;

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