المهندس فنان



بانفرد تام عملاق تحميل التورنتBitTorrent 7.6.1 Build 26993 Final باخر اصدار

BitTorrent 7.6.1 build 26993 Final


BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file sharing/distribution
protocol designed for transferring files from multiple
locations. Because of the nature of this protocol, large
files can be handled more efficiently than the typical client/server method.

Serving large files creates problems of scaling, flash
crowds, and reliability. The key to cheap file
distribution is to tap the unutilized upload capacity of
your customers. Their contribution grows at the same
rate as their demand, creating limitless scalability for a fixed cost

By using software that was built by the same team that
invented BitTorrent, you are guaranteed access to the
latest, most efficient methods of getting downloads to your desktop.


Dynamic bandwidth management -
download without disrupting other applications

Detailed stats on the health of media files provides
a safer, more controlled experience

No hardware configuration - reduced hassle of
fast downloads

Lightweight client

Local peer discovery

Configurable bandwidth scheduler

Global and per-torrent speed limiting

RSS Downloader


5.4 Mb

D o w n L o a d



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