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اجعل صورك تحفة فنية باجمل التاقيرتPhotoInstrument

برنامج PhotoInstrument 5.4.545 Multilingual

برنامج مميز بحق للتعامل مع الصور الصورة في الاعلى خير برهان على امكانيات البرنامج الحقيقية يمكنك البرنامج من ادارة صورك باحتراف من حيث الالوان والضوح والتباين ونقاء الصورة وصفاءها مع امكانية تصحيح الالوان وضبطها وايضا التعامل مع الماسكات وغيرها البرنامج يستحق التجربة حمل من هنا

PhotoInstrument is a powerful and easy-to-learn raster graphics editor used to process digital photographs. With only a few clicks, anyone can solve most digital photo problems: Photo Editing; Photo Retouch; Draw MakeUp. Make your photo looks like its taken by professional photographer. If you ever wonder to touch up your photo, so you look more beautiful on your facebook or friendster or even on myspace, well this software is answer your question. PhotoInstrument is a powerful and easy-to-learn raster graphics editor used to process digital photographs. With only a few clicks, anyone can solve most digital photo problems: * Photo Editing * Photo Retouch * Draw MakeUp * Make your photo look like it’s taken by a professional photographer. If you ever wonder to touch up your photo, so you look more beautiful on your facebook or friendster or even on myspace, well this software is the answer to your question. Look down for it is important features: * Drag and drop to open photos in this photo editor. * Copy/Paste image from Clipboard. * Batch Resizing (resize multiple images) * PSD file (PhotoShop Format) support in Editing. * Multi Language support. * Save to computer as .jpg, .png, .bmp and other file formats. * And many more features…

التعليقات (2)

Ncesoft Flip Book Maker
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