


كورس سكيورتى من مودلاير

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم شركة مودلاير لتقنية المعلومات تقدم لكم ModeLayer Security5 - G.1 EC-Council Security5 Certification Training Course Security 5 is the ideal starting point for anyone interested in information security awareness training. The Security5 program certifies that the holder is competent in the use of PC networking skills and knows the essential concepts of IT Computer security Introduction. * During this Four-days security training course you’ll learn. - Foundations of Security - Basic Security Procedures - Desktop Security - Administering Windows Securely - Recognizing Security Threats and attacks - Secure Internet Access - Working on the Internet - Knowing Online Payment Systems - Incident Response Prerequisites - There are no prerequisites. Starting Date - 01 February 2012 - 16 Hours - 4 Days. بسعر 50 دولار فقط للطلب https://modelayer.com.eg/cart.php?gid=40 مع تحيات شركة مودلاير لتقنية المعلومات ModeLayer

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