


مشغل كروت التلفزيون ChrisTV PVR Professional 5.41

برنامج لتشغيل كرت التلفزيون والتسجيل منه على غرار windvr الشهير في هذا المجال ويمكن استخدامه للتسجيل من كاميرا الويب ايضا

وهذه ميزات البرنامج:
-- Support for analog TV Cards with WDM, BDA driver installed (preview and recording mode)
-- Support for analog TV Cards with MPEG Hardware Encoding (preview and recording mode)
-- Support for Combo Cards (Graphic Card and TV Card) (preview and recording mode)
-- Support for Graphic Cards with Video Input (VIVO) (preview and recording mode)
-- Support for Other Video Capture Devices, WebCams etc (preview and recording mode)
-- Maximum number of Capture Devices that can be used at once 4
-- Video Rendering Normal, Overlay and VMR9 modes.
-- Support for Dscaler Deinterlace Filter
-- Image Capture
-- Channel Autoscan Functions By Channel Number or Channel Table
-- ChrisTV Channel List Eporting
-- TV Teletet Functions
-- Closed Captions Functions
-- Slideshow Feature
-- "Send Error Report/Questionaire" Feature
-- Zoom Functions
-- ChrisTV Quick Configuration Panel
-- Multilanguage Interface Support for more than 25 languages : english, german, dutch, french, romanian etc.
-- Video Aspect Ratio Settings You can choose between : 4:3 (Standard TV), 16:9 (Wide HDTV) and adjustable
-- ChrisTV Online Help File
-- PVR Functions Personal Video Recorder Features (Advanced)
-- Skinnable Control Panel
-- The easiest way to control ChrisTV by a simple mouse click.
-- ChrisTV TimeShift TimeShift lets you freeze the live TV stream, giving you a break while is still recording.
-- Background/Silent Mode Recording ChrisTV PVR will record your favorite TV show in background with no video/sound preview, minimized in systray. -- System TrayIcon Have instant access to your channels list and main settings by a simple mouse click on ChrisTV trayicon. Also you can minimize ChrisTV to the systemtray net to your clock.
-- LivePreview Mode Bypasses the MPEG Hardware Encoder of your card(s) and there won't be any time delays - realtime preview (realtime play for console games). Available only for MPEG hardware encoding cards that have support for LivePreview.
-- AVI Recording Module Available for software encoding cards and MPEG hardware encoding cards with LivePreview support.
-- Software MPEG Recording Module Registered MPEG 1/2 Filter required to be installed Available for software encoding cards and MPEG hardware encoding cards with LivePreview support.
-- Hardware MPEG Recording Module Create MPEG 1/2 files using your TV Card with MPEG Hardware Encoder.
-- Adjust Recording Length Set the recording duration after you have started a manual recording task.
-- Prefilter Settings for Hauppauge PVRs, ATI Theater 550/650, Conneant Falcon, Conneant Blackbird TV cards Improve image quality and sharpness. -- Scheduler Module ChrisTV PVR will record your favorite movies unattended. You can leave your PC in Standby/Hibernate Mode and ChrisTV PVR will wake your PC and record your shows.
-- Sleep Timer Feature Let ChrisTV close your PC at a specified time.
-- Better image quality by using Dscaler Deinterlace Plugins
-- Support for FFDShow DirectShow Filter Image Postprocessing filter to improve video quality and more...
-- Mosaic Feature Is like viewing all channels at once
-- Active/Favorite Channel List You can choose which are your favorite channels.
-- Advanced Channel Autoscan Functions By Frequency
-- Channel Mapping - syncronize channel name with the channel number For Autoscan by Channel Number
-- ChrisTV Channel List Importing So you won't need to scan and set the channels settings again.
-- Multimonitor Support You can easily use ChrisTV on Multimonitor Desktops.
-- Optimized Channel Switch Time Faster channel change.
-- Support for Radio FM Stations for TV Card with Radio FM module
-- ChrisTV Configuration Wizard Configure ChrisTV Settings in 5 easy steps.
-- Multituner Support This feature will allow you to watch your favorite TV channel using 1 capture device and record another channel(s) with the other capture device(s) that you have installed on your PC.
-- Advanced Recording Features You can use Deinterlace Filters, Image Processing Effects while recording (AVI and soft MPEG) and other settings -- AVI Recording Profiles for AVI recording settings
-- Software MPEG Recording Profiles for Software MPEG recording settings
-- Hardware MPEG Recording Profiles for MPEG recording settings using TV Cards with MPEG Hardware Encoder
-- Audio Recording Profiles for WAV/MP3 recording settings
-- Customize MPEG Recording Settings Set your custom values for stream type, frame size, video/audio bitrates.
-- Customize Hardware MPEG Recording Settings Set your custom values for stream type, frame size, video/audio bitrates.
-- Radio Recording Module
-- Advanced Scheduler Functions
-- Image Processing Feature
-- Video Frame Cropping Feature for Recording Available for AVI and software MPEG recordings.

اسم البرنامج : ChrisTV PVR Professional 5.41
الحجم مع السيريال : 5ميغا

روابط التحميل:

التعليقات (5)

برنامج لتشغيل كرت التلفزيون والتسجيل منه على غرار windvr الشهير في هذا المجال ويمكن استخدامه للتسجيل من كاميرا الويب ايضا

وهذه ميزات البرنامج:
-- Support for analog TV Cards with WDM, BDA driver installed (preview and recording mode)
-- Support for analog TV Cards with MPEG Hardware Encoding (preview and recording mode)
-- Support for Combo Cards (Graphic Card and TV Card) (preview and recording mode)
-- Support for Graphic Cards with Video Input (VIVO) (preview and recording mode)
-- Support for Other Video Capture Devices, WebCams etc (preview and recording mode)
-- Maximum number of Capture Devices that can be used at once 4
-- Video Rendering Normal, Overlay and VMR9 modes.
-- Support for Dscaler Deinterlace Filter
-- Image Capture
-- Channel Autoscan Functions By Channel Number or Channel Table
-- ChrisTV Channel List Eporting
-- TV Teletet Functions
-- Closed Captions Functions
-- Slideshow Feature
-- "Send Error Report/Questionaire" Feature
-- Zoom Functions
-- ChrisTV Quick Configuration Panel
-- Multilanguage Interface Support for more than 25 languages : english, german, dutch, french, romanian etc.
-- Video Aspect Ratio Settings You can choose between : 4:3 (Standard TV), 16:9 (Wide HDTV) and adjustable
-- ChrisTV Online Help File
-- PVR Functions Personal Video Recorder Features (Advanced)
-- Skinnable Control Panel
-- The easiest way to control ChrisTV by a simple mouse click.
-- ChrisTV TimeShift TimeShift lets you freeze the live TV stream, giving you a break while is still recording.
-- Background/Silent Mode Recording ChrisTV PVR will record your favorite TV show in background with no video/sound preview, minimized in systray. -- System TrayIcon Have instant access to your channels list and main settings by a simple mouse click on ChrisTV trayicon. Also you can minimize ChrisTV to the systemtray net to your clock.
-- LivePreview Mode Bypasses the MPEG Hardware Encoder of your card(s) and there won't be any time delays - realtime preview (realtime play for console games). Available only for MPEG hardware encoding cards that have support for LivePreview.
-- AVI Recording Module Available for software encoding cards and MPEG hardware encoding cards with LivePreview support.
-- Software MPEG Recording Module Registered MPEG 1/2 Filter required to be installed Available for software encoding cards and MPEG hardware encoding cards with LivePreview support.
-- Hardware MPEG Recording Module Create MPEG 1/2 files using your TV Card with MPEG Hardware Encoder.
-- Adjust Recording Length Set the recording duration after you have started a manual recording task.
-- Prefilter Settings for Hauppauge PVRs, ATI Theater 550/650, Conneant Falcon, Conneant Blackbird TV cards Improve image quality and sharpness. -- Scheduler Module ChrisTV PVR will record your favorite movies unattended. You can leave your PC in Standby/Hibernate Mode and ChrisTV PVR will wake your PC and record your shows.
-- Sleep Timer Feature Let ChrisTV close your PC at a specified time.
-- Better image quality by using Dscaler Deinterlace Plugins
-- Support for FFDShow DirectShow Filter Image Postprocessing filter to improve video quality and more...
-- Mosaic Feature Is like viewing all channels at once
-- Active/Favorite Channel List You can choose which are your favorite channels.
-- Advanced Channel Autoscan Functions By Frequency
-- Channel Mapping - syncronize channel name with the channel number For Autoscan by Channel Number
-- ChrisTV Channel List Importing So you won't need to scan and set the channels settings again.
-- Multimonitor Support You can easily use ChrisTV on Multimonitor Desktops.
-- Optimized Channel Switch Time Faster channel change.
-- Support for Radio FM Stations for TV Card with Radio FM module
-- ChrisTV Configuration Wizard Configure ChrisTV Settings in 5 easy steps.
-- Multituner Support This feature will allow you to watch your favorite TV channel using 1 capture device and record another channel(s) with the other capture device(s) that you have installed on your PC.
-- Advanced Recording Features You can use Deinterlace Filters, Image Processing Effects while recording (AVI and soft MPEG) and other settings -- AVI Recording Profiles for AVI recording settings
-- Software MPEG Recording Profiles for Software MPEG recording settings
-- Hardware MPEG Recording Profiles for MPEG recording settings using TV Cards with MPEG Hardware Encoder
-- Audio Recording Profiles for WAV/MP3 recording settings
-- Customize MPEG Recording Settings Set your custom values for stream type, frame size, video/audio bitrates.
-- Customize Hardware MPEG Recording Settings Set your custom values for stream type, frame size, video/audio bitrates.
-- Radio Recording Module
-- Advanced Scheduler Functions
-- Image Processing Feature
-- Video Frame Cropping Feature for Recording Available for AVI and software MPEG recordings.

اسم البرنامج : ChrisTV PVR Professional 5.41
الحجم مع السيريال : 5ميغا

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