


رنامج مشاهدة الفضاء SkyMap Pro 11 شاهد الفضاء والسماء من 4000 سنه وحتى الان

SkyMap Pro 11

البرنامج تقدر عن طريقه انك تستكشف التغييرات اللى حصلت فى السماء والفضاء من سنة 4000 قبل الميلاد
وبتقدر تعرف التغييرات اللى حصلت فى الفضاء والمساء فى الفترات دى كلها البرنامج ممتع جدا

SkyMap Pro 11 is a sophisticated Star charting and Planetarium program. It can display the sky as seen from any location on Earth for any date Between 4000BC and 8000AD, showing fields of view ranging from the entire visible sky down to a detailed telescopic finder chart for a faint galaxy. The program also provides a powerful set of tools for observation planning and recording.

Although SkyMap Pro 11 has The Power to satisfy the needs of even the most demanding user, the program is easy to learn to use, and is primarily controlled with the mouse using simple toolbars. A printed tutorial manual and detailed on line help system provides extensive operating instructions and reference information.

SkyMap Pro 11 is the end result of almost 20 years of development work (work on the program started in 1986) and the program is used by many thousands of astronomers all over the world. The programs evolution has always been primarily guided by feedback from existing users of the program, thus making it the ideal tool for use by the practical amateur astronomer.

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