


حصريا أخر اصدار من برنامج الانتى فيرس NetQin Mobile Anti-Virus Pro لا يحتاج شهاده

NetQin Mobile Anti-Virus Pro v.3.2.8

متوافق مع جميع جولات الجيل الثالث و الخامس

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Excellent antivirus software for your smartphone. NetQin Anti-Virus Pro is perfect for cutting and virus threats - while scanning a little more than Kaspersky. NetQin can delete infected files inside the sis-distributions, without touching the rest. When you open an infected file, as well as when receiving positive messages, a dialog box with a warning and request for deletion.

Options allow you to set the level of protection and auto-run anti-virus monitor.

البرنامج لا يحتاج شهاده

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SizE: 0,8Mb

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