
Windows XP SP3 Lite Netbook Edition أخف نسخة إكس بي على الإطلاق

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أقدم لكم أخف وأسرع نسخة ويندوز إكس بي على الإطلاق
بحجم خرافي 160 ميجا فقط لتعمل على الأجهزة ضعيفة الموارد

معلومات عن النسخة
Windows XP SP3 Lite Netbook Edition (160Mb Only)
This edition of windows is slipstreamed with service pack 3, and is perfect for low powered laptops, old desktops and netbooks. It is only 185mb, and when I tested it in Vmware, it took 11 mins to install. It uses 85Mb of ram on first bootup, and on face value, the normal things seem to be there e.g. games, paint, calculator etc. Obviously the upgrade feature has been removed from this cd, so you have to do a clean install.

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