إنفراد عملاق القضاء على ملفات التجسس عالمياً Dr Web AntiVirus V6.0.5.8310 + Crack
Dr Web AntiVirus V6.0.5.8310 + Crack

برنامج Dr.WEB CureIt مكافح الفيروسات بانواعها و برامج التجسس والتروجانات وفيروسات البريد والانترنت وطرواده و أداة المسح الضوئي التي وضعت على Dr.WEB المحرك الذي سيساعدك بسرعة الفحص والعلاج ، إذا لزم الأمر
Dr.Web anti-virus software has been developed since 1992. The leader on the Russian IT security services market, Doctor Web has been the first vendor that offered an anti-virus as a service in Russia. The company also offers proven anti-virus and anti-spam solutions for businesses, government entities, and personal use. We have a solid record of detecting malicious programs, and we adhere to all international security standards. Doctor Web has received numerous certificates and awards; our satisfied customers spanning the globe are clear evidence of the complete trust customers have in our products.

برنامج Dr.WEB CureIt مكافح الفيروسات بانواعها و برامج التجسس والتروجانات وفيروسات البريد والانترنت وطرواده و أداة المسح الضوئي التي وضعت على Dr.WEB المحرك الذي سيساعدك بسرعة الفحص والعلاج ، إذا لزم الأمر
Dr.Web anti-virus software has been developed since 1992. The leader on the Russian IT security services market, Doctor Web has been the first vendor that offered an anti-virus as a service in Russia. The company also offers proven anti-virus and anti-spam solutions for businesses, government entities, and personal use. We have a solid record of detecting malicious programs, and we adhere to all international security standards. Doctor Web has received numerous certificates and awards; our satisfied customers spanning the globe are clear evidence of the complete trust customers have in our products.