


للمهن الطبية برنامج 3D-Doctor.v4.0.20101105

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
US$4800.00 دولار
برنامج صغير الحجم باهظ الثمن متخصص للاطباء على مختلف اختصاصاتهم و الطلاب و كل العاملين ضمن المجال الطبي و الذين اتمنى لهم الاستفادة القصوى من البرنامج
برنامج ينشئ و يعرض و يعالج الصور ثلاثية الابعاد MRI, CT, PET, microscopy, scientific, and industrial 3D imaging applications.
DICOM, TIFF, Interfile, GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, PGM, RAW or other image file formats و صيغ اخرى
ينشئ الصور الثلاثية من الثنائية و يصدرها ب:
STL (ASCII and Binary), DXF, IGES, 3DS, OBJ, VRML, PLY, XYZ and other formats
للدراسة و الاستعراض و التخطيط الجراحي
البرنامج معتمد من
FDA (US Food and Drug Administration)
و هي الهيئة الرسمية في الولايات المتحدة المخولة بترخيص الادوية و المنتجات الطبية
و هو مستخدم في اشهر الجامعات و المعاهد الدراسية ك:
Mass. General Hospital (Harvard Medical School),
Brigham Women Hospital (Harvard Medical School),
MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology),
Harvard University,
Stanford Univ. Medical Center,
Johns Hopkins Univ.,
US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA),
National Institute of Health (US NIH)
National Institute of Standards and Technologies (US NIST)
Univ. College Cork (Ireland)
University of Iowa
SUNY Buffalo Imaging Center,
NASA Glenn Research Center,
General Mills,
Oakland Univ.,
Columbia Univ.,
Univ. of Saskatchewan (Canada),
US Navy,
US Naval Research Lab.,
US Army,
Institute of Surgical Research, US Army
Volkswagen AG (Germany),
ABB Combustion Eng. Sys.,
Univ. of Pittsburgh,
Alberta Research Council (Alberta, Canada),
The Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (Austria),
Monash Univ. (Australia),
American Science & Engineering Inc (USA),
MicroVision (France),
Eberhard-Karls-Universitat Tuebingen (Germany),
Minus 9 Technology (Canada),
Kanazawa Institute of Technology (Japan),
Univ. of Zilina (Slovakia),
Kyung Hee University (South Korea),
Univ. Di Catania (Italy),
Staten Island Univ. Hospital,
Univ. of Virginia,
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Univ. of Texas,
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (NYC),
Max-Planck-Institut (Germany),
Knolls Atomic Power Lab (USA),
Univ. of Minnesota,
Trial Practice (FL, USA),
National Hospital of Norway,
City Univ. of Hong Kong (Hong Kong, China)
The Univ. of Michigan
Carnegie Mellon Univ.
Medical Univ. of South Carolina
InVision Technologies, Inc. (CA, USA)
Clinical Educations Inc. (MA, USA)
Wayne State Univ. (MI, USA)
Tufts Univ. Medical School (MA, USA)
Northern California Institute for Research and Education (CA, USA)
Medical College of Georgia (GA, USA)
Simon Fraser Univ. (Canada)
Vutek Systems Inc (CA, USA)
Arkansas Children's Hospital (AK, USA)
University La Sapienza of Rome (ITALY)
School of Dentistry, Dan Kook Univ. (KOREA)
New York Univ. Medical School (NY, USA)
Rutgers - The State Univ. of New Jersey
ARTIS - Prototipagem Biomédica (BRAZIL)
St. Olaf College (MN, USA)
Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Universitaetsklinikum Leipzig (GERMANY)
Hiroshima Univ. (JAPAN)
Cytronics (TX, USA)
Loma Lida Univ., School of Dentistry (CA, USA)
McGill Univ. (CANADA)
Institute of Cardiology of Montreal (CANADA)
Aramco (Saudi Arabia)
Axis 3D (Taiwan)
Rapid Technology Solutions Sdn Bhd (MALAYSIA)
Washington State Univ.
Keio University (Japan)
Shibaura Industrial University (Japan)
National Taiwan University (Taiwan)
Sunnybrook & Women's College Health Science (CANADA)
Ottawa Heart Institute (CANADA)
Medical College of Virginia (USA)
Xenogen Corp. (CA, USA)
Thomas Jefferson Univ. Hospital (PA, USA)
Sciperio Inc (USA)
Riverview Hospital (IN, USA)
National College of Physical Edu. & Sport (Taiwan)
Tokyo Metropolitan University (Japan)
UT SW Medical Center (TX, USA)
Systematic Computer Animations, Inc. (FL, USA)
UC San Francisco (CA, USA)
University of Southampton (UK)
Univ. of California, Irvine (CA, USA)
Hand Innovations (FL, USA)
Advanced Bio-Surfaces, Inc. (MN, USA)
Univ. of Wales Swansea (UK)
Bloorview MacMillan Children's Centre (Canada)
Univ. of Pittsburgh at Johnstown (PA, USA)
Univ. of Manitoba (Canada)
Univ. of Pennsylvania, Surgery (PA, USA)
UCL HistoPathology (UK)
Free Univ. of Brussels (Belgium)
Temasek Engineering School (Singapore)
University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa)
Columbia Univ., Center for Radiological Research (NY, USA)
Modena and Reggio Emilia University (ITALY)
University of Toronto (CANADA)
The Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ. (Hong Kong, China)
Advanced Dermatology Management (FL, USA)
Nippon Institute of Technology (JAPAN)
VA Medical Center (Gainsville, FL)
Industrial Technology Research Institute (Taiwan, ROC)
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
OSF St. Francis Medical Center (IL, USA)
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (MA, USA)
Loma Linda University, Radiation Medic (CA, USA)
UCHSC at Fitzsimons, Biomechanics Labs (CO, USA)
Neurological Surgery, Cleveland Medical Center (OH, USA)
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital (TN, USA)
Univ. of Arizona, Orthopaedic Surgery (AZ, USA)
Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (CA, USA)
Boston Scientific SciMed Inc. (USA)
The Univ. of Georgia (GA, USA)
High Impact Graphics (CO, USA)
Acuity Services (CO, USA)
Instrument Development Corp (WI, USA)
Marshall Univ. (WV, USA)
Tel Med Technologies (TX, USA)
The Univ. of Hong Kong (Hong Kong, China)
UMDNJ-SHRP, Dept. of Health Informatics (NJ, USA)
Univ. of Cincinnati (OH, USA)
Univ. College Dublin (Ireland)
Univ. of Illinois (IL, USA)
Technical University of Liberc (Czech Republic)
US Army Research Lab
Univ. of CA, Irvine
EON Reality, Inc.
Univ. of Kansas Medical Center
Northumbria University (UK)
Rare Collections (MN, USA)
Biuro Uslug Informatycznych BIUINF sp.j. (Poland)
The Univ. of Melbourne (Australia)
Univ. of Ottawa (Canada)
Palo Alto Institute for Research & Edu. (CA, USA)
Univ. of Nebraska (USA)
Univ. of CA, Irvine (USA)
National Univ. of Ireland Galway, Centre for Nursing and Midwifery Studies (Ireland)
New York Chiropractic College (USA)
The Titan Corp. (USA)
Fukuoka Dental College (Japan)
Tsurumi Dental Univ. (Japan)
Wake Forest Univ. Health Sciences (USA)
Takata Automotive Systems Lab, Inc.(USA)
East Carolina Univ. (USA)
Barnes-Jewish Hospital (USA)
Case Western Reserve Univ., Medical School
Klinikum Neustadt (Germany)
Univ. of Ottawa, Mechanical Engineering (Canada)
Copenhagen Univ. (Denmark)
Univ. of Toronto (Canada)
Cardio Thoracis Systems (USA)
Restore Medical (USA)
National Univ of Singapore
The Research Institute of the MUHC (Canada)
Auckland University of Technology (New Zealand)
Weizamnn Instetute of Science (Israel)
Innervision Medical Technologies (Canada)
Cordis Corp. (USA)
Mitralign, Inc. (USA)
Boston Scientific/Mountain View (USA)
Rochester Inst. of Technology (USA)
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (USA)
Johnson & Johnson Products (Canada)
Childrens Hospital Central California (USA)
MEDORO s.r.o. (Czech Republic)
University of Twente (The Netherlands)
CUI- University of Geneva (Switzerland)
Reveal Imaging Technologies (USA)
Univ. of Cincinnati, BioMed Eng. (USA)
Republic Polytechnic Singapore (Singapore)
Montreal Heart Institute (Canada)
University of Iowa Healthcare,
Temple Univ.
ReDent-Nova-Ltd (ISRAEL)
The Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem (ISRAEL)
Health Canada,
Univ. of Minnesota, Neurology
DATA, Inc.
Univ. of Michigan,
VA Medical Center, MIS Lab (NY)
University of Zagreb (Croatia)
Univ. of Ottawa, Mech Eng. (Canada)
National Univ. of Ireland,
Boston Police Crime Lab.
Copenhagen Univ. (Denmark)
Univ. of Toronto (Canada)
Guidant Corp. Cardiac Surgery,
National Univ of Singapore (Singapore)
The Research Institute of the MUHC (Canada)
Auckland University of Technology (New Zealand)
Weizamnn Instetute of Science (ISRAEL)
Stennis Space Center (USA)
ValleyLab (CO, USA)
UC Irvine (CA, USA)
Union College (NY, USA)
La Trobe University (Australia)
Neurological Institute of New Jersey (NJ, USA)
Strojarski fakultet (Croatia)
University of Glasgow (UK)
Institut de Cardiologie de Montreal (CANADA)
Edwards Lifesciences (CA, USA)
California State University, Long Beach
Medical Univ. of Graz (AUSTRIA)
Eastern Washington Univ. (WA, USA)
National Tsing Hua University (TAIWAN, ROC)
Collegium Medicum of Jagiellonian University (Poland)
Core Education and Consulting, Inc (GA, USA)
Nagoya Institute of Technology (Japan)
National Defence Medical College (Japan)
Missouri State Univ. (USA)
Contec Temperature Technology (Germany)
Honda (Japan)
Osaka University (Japan)
Washington State Univ (WA, USA)
Purdue Univ. (IN, USA)
MD Anderson Cancer Center (TX, USA)
University of Iowa, Engineering School (USA)
Catholic University (Korea)
University of Cape Town (South Africa)
The Univ. of Toledo (USA)
The Health Care District of V-S (FINLAND)
Radiation Protection Bureau (CANDA)
Ethicon, Inc (USA)
National University of Singapore, Surgery (SINGAPORE)
The University of Auckland (New Zealand)
Akron General Medical Center (USA)
Xenobiotic Laboratories, Inc. (USA)
Serica Technologies Inc (USA)
The Univ. of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
Purdue Univ., Chemistry Dept (USA)
Korea Research Institute of Standard and Science
The Ohio State Univ (USA)
ProCure Treatment Centers (USA)
La Trobe University (Australia)
VA Medical Center (NYC, USA)
Columbia Univ., Radilogy (USA)
PCS Engineering, Inc. (USA)
MEDORO s.r.o. (Czech Republic)
Univ. De Sherbrooke (CANADA)
and many others..
CRop Image Using Regions of Interest (ROI)
التركيز على مناطق محددة:

و هي هنا المنطقة المحاطة باللون الازرق

Crop Scanned Films:
استعراض الفيلم

افتح الملف

اختر "Crop Film"

طبق على كل شريحة بذاتها

جاهزة للاستعراض و التعديل
Image Classification

Original MRI image الصورة الاصلية

و بعد الفرز و التصنيف
Interactive Image Slice Alignment

لعرض الشرائح و انشائها

Volume Rendering


Direct 3D volume rendering from MRI scan
3D Modeling By Surface Rendering
الابعاد الثلاثية للاسطح

3D model created from MRI scan. It contains 2 objects, the skin and the brain tumor. The top image is rendered with surface shading, the bottom image is rendered with the skin displayed in wire frame form.

Created from a MRI scan. The 3D model has two objects, the brain and lower half of the head

3D rendering from a microscopy image.

Skull model created from a CT scan

3D rat brain modeling from profile images.

Pelvis model created from a CT scan.

Foot model created from a CT scan.

3D models created fro reverse engineering using a CT scan.

للهندسة العكسية

Image Registration & Fusion

Image fusion using CT and PET image

و البرنامج يعمل بالتوافق مع صيغ البرامج الاخرى ك الاوتوكاد و من هنا ملف يعرفكم بالصيغ:
لل DXF Format (AutoCAD DXF)
و من هذه الصفحة ايضا كل انواع الصيغ:

مقاطع تعليمية من هنا:
و هنا بروشور البرنامج:
كعادة البرامج الباهظة البرنامج محمي بواسطة دونغل
عند تثبيت البرنامج و بعد الانتهاء تظهر شاشة بها مربع يسألك تثبيت درايفر للدونغل
ازل منه العلامة و اغلق
شغل الكراك المرفق و شغله و اختر ملف البرنامج التنفيذي
و باذن الله يصبح مسجلا

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