فواز باراوي



برنامج الحماية BitDefender Total Security 2011 + Patch شرح كامل للتنصيب والبرنامج

BitDefender Total Security 2011

نبدا و على بركة الله و اتقدم باقسام الموضوع

1-التعريف بالبرنامج و اصداره و جوائزه و نبذه عنه

2-شرح البرنامج و يتضمن تنصيبه و شرح اعداداته و تفعيله

3-تحميل البرنامج + باتش التفعيل


التعريف بالبرنامج و اخذ نبذه عنه

Program of BitDefender

View images BitDefender Program This program of the company's production and protection in the giant, which acquired their own protection on the first place for the years 2005 and 2006 and 2007, also this product contains many of the units of protection program protect you from applications and Internet software in general and by the BitDefender program provides adequate for the protection and safety during the program used to browse the internet more than 41 million users and corporate users in more than 200 countries in the world strong protection program against viruses and is the Antispyware protects your computer from viruses and Asbai software viruses, spyware and prevents new viruses that use advanced technologies and to enter into The computer continuously monitors and prevents spyware from entering the computer, remove the latest viruses and spyware, which descends on the computer program for the protection of the most powerful protection programs at all, not others can not access to your computer and actually go through the site today, you better protection programs and the heart was the throne of the powerful There is compatible with Windows 2K/XP/Vista/XP X64 and windows 7

BitDefender keeps your Internet-connected family safe, without slowing down their PCs. It locks out viruses, ******* & spam, while providing parental control and firewall protection. Confidently download, share and open files from friends, family, co-workers - and even total strangers! * Improved: Scans all web, e-mail and instant messaging traffic for viruses and spyware, in real-time * Proactively protects against new virus outbreaks using advanced heuristics Protect your identity: shop, bank, listen, watch privately and securely * Blocks attempted identity theft (phishing) * Improved: Prevents personal information from leaking via e-mail, web or instant messaging

Guard your conversations with top-of-the line encryption ------------------------------------------------------------ * NEWInstant Messaging Encryption * NEWFile Vault securely stores personal information or sensitive files

Connect securely to any network at home, in the office or away -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Automatically modifies firewall protection settings to suit **************************************** * Wi-Fi monitor helps prevent unauthorized access to your Wi-Fi network

Protect your family and their computers! --------------------------------------------- * Blocks access to inappropriate websites and e-mail * Schedules and limits kids’ access to Internet and to applications

Play safe, play seamlessly! --------------------------------- * Improved: Reduces the system load and avoids requesting user interaction during games

Get fine-tuned performance from your computer ! --------------------------------------------------- * Uses few system resources * NEWLaptop mode prolongs battery life

Features and Benefits ----------------------- NEWFamily network protection Manage the security of your home network from a single ****************************************. BitDefender software from other computers in the network can be remotely configured, while tasks such as scans, backups tune-ups and updates can be run on-demand or scheduled to run during off-hours. Hassle – Free Hourly Updates Hourly updates ensure that you are protected against the latest threats without pushing a button. Lost program files are not a problem either. In the rare event of file damage due to PC problems, BitDefender automatically repairs and updates itself. FREE 24/7 Support Got a question? Our security experts are available to help you 24/7 via phone, email or chat at no additional cost.


اصدار البرنامج


اي اول اصدار للعام القادم


جوائز البرنامج


System Requirements

top Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (32/64 bit) or higher

* 800 MHz or higher processor *
256 MB of RAM Memory (1GB recommended) *
170 MB available hard disk space (200 recommended)

Windows Vista (32/64 bit) and Windows Vista SP1

* 800 MHz or higher processor *
512 MB of RAM Memory (1 GB recommended) *
170 MB available hard disk space (200 recommended)

Windows Home Server

* 800 MHz or higher processor *
512 MB of RAM Memory (1 GB recommended) *
170 MB available hard disk space (200 recommended)

شرح البرنامج

تنصيب البرنامج و ضبط بعض الاعدادات

قم بتشغيل ملف التسطيب و اتبع ما يلي

تفعيل البرنامج

يتم تفعيل البرنامج عبر هذا الباتش المشهور

قم بتشغيل الباتش و اتبع ما يلي

و قم بعمل الريستارت و ان شاء الله يتم التفعيل


تحميل البرنامج

حجم البرنامج


مقسمه على 3 اجزاء

الاجزاء مرفوعة على سيرفر ميديا فاير عشان طبعا سريع فى التحميل

حمل الاجزاء الثلاثة



لتحميل الباتش


التعليقات (3)

مدير الصيانة     

شكرا لك شرح مميز

endless love     
ما شاء الله عليك اخي فواز شرح ولا اجمل
وبرنامج رائع مشكور اخي