


برنامج WinASO Registry Optimizer. الاقوي في مجال تسريع الجهاز و الالعاب والبرامج والافضل حتي

WinASO Registry Optimizer.


كم مره تعاني من بطئ الجهاز في الفتح والاغلاق , كم مره تعني ان الجهاز بطي بالرغم من امكانياته عاليه
كم مره تمسح Temp كم مره تبحث عن برامج لتسريع الجهاز وتصحيح الاخطاء وغيرها كتير ..... الخ

بهذا البرنامج انت تمتلك حقيبة صيانه متكامله لجهازك من الالف الي الياء
ولا تبحث كثيرا لانه به اكثر من 20 برنامج في واحد .



Fast and Professional

WinASO Registry Optimizer is a mature and professional product that has been through more than 5 years constant improvement. Its advanced scanning algorithm can scan the entire registry within a few seconds for obsolete and invalid entries, as well as other registry errors, all listed comprehensively in the scanning report. You can select the items to fix or let WinASO Registry Optimizer automatically fix them all for you.


In addition to the registry optimizing function, WinASO Registry Optimizer also has a number of built-in tools such as "Privacy Cleaner", "System Optimizer", "Registry Defrag", "Start-up Manager", "IE Manager", "Uninstall Manager", and more, so that you do NOT need to pay extra money to buy such software.

100% safe

Over these years, WinASO Registry Optimizer has been proved by users all over the world to be 100% safe. It never lets you down.

Extremely simple to use

Even a computer novice can immediately learn how to use it once opening the software windows.

100% money back guarantee

Your satisfaction is absolutely guaranteed .

Short-cuts Cleaner

Quickly identify and clean up redundant shortcuts that point to non-existent or invalid files

Registry Defrag

Quickly analyze your registry

Automatically backup, defragment, compact and optimize your registry with a powerful defragmenting algorithm

Startup Manager

Instantly detect and list all the programs that run at system startup
Allow you to easily edit, disable, enable or delete the startup programs

Uninstall Manager

Clearly list all the installed programs on your computer
Allow you to quickly remove any unwanted programs to free-up disk space and improve system efficiency

Data Recovery

Recovers data on FAT12/ FAT16/FAT32/NTFS/NTFS5 partitions in Windows operating systems.

IE Manager

Easily repair your IE problems as well as settings changed by the malicious websites

System tools

A number of useful system tools are listed together for your convenience to help you better manage your computer, such as Disk Cleanup, Disk Defragmenter, DirectX Diagnostic Tool, Registry Editor, etc.

System information

Quickly analyze your system and provide a detailed comprehensive report of your current system information

User-friendly UI

UI is user-friendly. Even novice finds it easy to navigate

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