


الدرس 3 █◄ في شرح عمل منتدى مجاني vb4.0.3 على اقوى مواقع الاستضافة المجانية بدون الاعلانات - 3

لمحة عن الدروس الماضية : كنا قد حجزنا الاستضافة وتعرفنا على كيفية انشاء قاعدة بيانات

وتعديل ملف "config" و رفع مجلد المنتدى .
للاطلاع على الدروس السابقة :

الدرس الأول

الدرس الثاني

بعد ان تعرفنا في الدرس الماضي على الرفع للمنتدى نكمل اليوم ولمعرفة ان مجلد المنتدى قد انتقل بكامله لاحظ الصورة .

- اليوم سوف يكون درسنا عن تنصيب المنتدى و دخول المتندى و لوحة تحكم ادارته .

طبعاً الكل حجز استضافة موقعه والكل لموقعه نطاق معين مثلاً

الان السؤال كيف فينا ندخل المتندى ؟!!

اليكم أولاً قبل الدخول للمنتدى نحنا يجب علينا ان نقوم بعملية تنصيب للمنتدى والا لن نستطيع دخوله.

لتنصيب المنتدى نتوجه للرابط التالي :

طبعاً مع تغيير XXX الى اسم موقعك مثال

ملاحظة اثناء الدخول لهذه الصفحة الرجاء لاتفتحوا شي بالمتصفح ولا صفحة النترنت لأن هي عملية تنصيب وفحص لملفات المتندى يعني بجوز تتعصلج الامور .
اتمنى انه تكون وضحت الفكرة .

عند الدخول للرابط نجد صفحة اضغط على الزر "Next Step 1/15"
كما في الصورة التالية

عندما تغضط على زر "Next Step 1/15"
تنتقل لصفحة اخرى فيها زر آخر اسمه "Next Step 2/15"
كما في الصورة التالية :

عندما تغضط على زر "Next Step 2/15"
تنتقل لصفحة اخرى فيها زر آخر اسمه "Next Step 3/15"
وهكذا..... كلما يطلعلك زر اضغط عليه هيك
الى انت تصل الى الزر الذي عنوانه "Next Step 9/15"

اضغط عليه فتظهر لك صفحة فيها بيانات املأها كما في الصورة التالية ثم اضغط "proceed" :
كما في الصورة التالية

بعد الضغط على زر "proceed " :

يظهر لك صفحة فيها زر "Next Step 11/15"
عندما تضغط عليه تظهر لك صفحة فيها اسم العضو المدير للمتدى
وكلمة السر الذي ترغب بها والايميل يعني كما انك تسجل عضو ولكن هو " المدير " ثم اضغط "proceed"
كما في الصورة

ثم تابع الخطوات عادي
تابع الصور وحتفهم

شوف هي الصورة ولا تسكر الصفحة لحتى تقرأ الملاحظة اللي تحتها

هلق قبل كل شي مبروووووووووووووك لأن المنتدى صار جاهز بنسبة 98%

لسا في شغلة هامة ما فيكم تفتحو المنتدى لحتا تعملو شغلة وهي انكم تحذفوا ملف اسمه instal.php
وهو موجود دباخل مجلد install يلي بداخل مجلد vb

(اي استفسار في الدرس انا جاهز)

يتبع ........

نتابع في الدرس الرابع عن تعريب المتندى+ تركيب استايل احمر واسود الجميل لنسخ 4.0.3

اسف على الاطالة في الدروس ولكن للاستيعاب بسهولة
وتقسيم الخطوات بشكل اسهل

التعليقات (76)


سلام عليكم

ما ظبط معي تثبيت المنتدى
بيعطيني هاد الرابط
بارك الله فيك

شكرا يا أحمد حملي
بس هذا مو طلبي
أحمد حلمي     
عملت كل شي صح
و وصلت عند التنصيب و كتبت الموقع و آخر شي ما فتح الموقع عشان انصبه

Server error
ما الحل

جرب و ضع بروكسي
هذه عناوين بروكسي proxy متجددة دوماً بإذن الله تعالى
لا تنسى الدعاء بظهر الغيب لي و لجميع المسلمين
عملت كل شي صح
و وصلت عند التنصيب و كتبت الموقع و آخر شي ما فتح الموقع عشان انصبه

Server error
ما الحل
[img]http://www2.0zz0.com/2011/02/23/13/265355255.jpg" />[/IMG]

انتظرت أكثر من 3 ساعات و بالاخير طلعلي هالخطأ
User Aborted
أرجو الحل

اخى العزيز اولا جزاك الله كل خير على المجهود الرائع المبذول فى الشرح ولكن قد واجهتنى مشكله لم اجدلها حل ارجو منك الافاده وهى بعد ما قمت بحجز الاستضافه فى الموقع وقمت بتعديل ملف ال


واجهتنى بعض الصعوبات فى رفع البيانات الى الموقع فبعد ان قمت بتشغيل البرنامج وبدء برفع البيانات فضل حوالى 1ساعه او ساعة ونصف ثم قام بارسال كلمه Connection failed ثم بعد ذلك توقفت عمليه الرفع

وهذه هى بيانات عملية الرفع للافاده ([R] MDTM 20100409105938 entry.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME entry.php 20100409105938 20100409105938 20100409105938 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: entry.php 1 KB in 0.27 seconds (5.0 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,100,123)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 25723
[R] STOR editpost.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 1.494 seconds (measured here), 30.27 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011844 editpost.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME editpost.php 20100409011844 20100409011844 20100409011844 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: editpost.php 45 KB in 1.52 second (29.8 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,233,226)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 59874
[R] STOR editor.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 0.254 seconds (measured here), 6.37 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011842 editor.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME editor.php 20100409011842 20100409011842 20100409011842 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: editor.php 1 KB in 0.27 seconds (6.2 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,157,199)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 40391
[R] STOR css.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 0.479 seconds (measured here), 8.24 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011842 css.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME css.php 20100409011842 20100409011842 20100409011842 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: css.php 4 KB in 0.48 seconds (8.4 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,160,72)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 41032
[R] STOR cron.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 0.460 seconds (measured here), 6.88 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011844 cron.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME cron.php 20100409011844 20100409011844 20100409011844 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: cron.php 3 KB in 0.48 seconds (6.5 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,113,194)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 29122
[R] STOR converse.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 0.840 seconds (measured here), 17.75 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011844 converse.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME converse.php 20100409011844 20100409011844 20100409011844 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: converse.php 15 KB in 0.84 seconds (18.2 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,90,43)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 23083
[R] STOR content.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 0.257 seconds (measured here), 6.25 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011844 content.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME content.php 20100409011844 20100409011844 20100409011844 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: content.php 1 KB in 0.28 seconds (5.7 KB/s)
[R] 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,123,71)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 31559
[R] STOR clear.gif
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 0.253 seconds (measured here), 169.90 bytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011840 clear.gif
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME clear.gif 20100409011840 20100409011840 20100409011840 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: clear.gif 43 bytes in 0.27 seconds (0.2 KB/s)
[R] 200 TYPE is now ASCII
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,186,127)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 47743
[R] STOR calendar.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 5.117 seconds (measured here), 18.32 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011844 calendar.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME calendar.php 20100409011844 20100409011844 20100409011844 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: calendar.php 93 KB in 5.20 seconds (18.0 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,116,197)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 29893
[R] STOR blog_usercp.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 7.385 seconds (measured here), 14.30 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409105918 blog_usercp.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME blog_usercp.php 20100409105918 20100409105918 20100409105918 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: blog_usercp.php 105 KB in 7.24 seconds (14.6 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,175,214)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 45014
[R] STOR blog_tag.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 3.763 seconds (measured here), 2.04 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011844 blog_tag.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME blog_tag.php 20100409011844 20100409011844 20100409011844 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: blog_tag.php 7 KB in 3.66 seconds (2.2 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,109,90)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 27994
[R] STOR blog_subscription.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 3.145 seconds (measured here), 9.65 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409105912 blog_subscription.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME blog_subscription.php 20100409105912 20100409105912 20100409105912 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: blog_subscription.php 30 KB in 3.17 seconds (9.6 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,227,110)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 58222
[R] STOR blog_search.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 0.883 seconds (measured here), 19.93 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409105906 blog_search.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME blog_search.php 20100409105906 20100409105906 20100409105906 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: blog_search.php 17 KB in 0.89 seconds (19.8 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,221,21)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 56597
[R] STOR blog_report.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 3.138 seconds (measured here), 2.69 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409105902 blog_report.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME blog_report.php 20100409105902 20100409105902 20100409105902 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: blog_report.php 8 KB in 3.14 seconds (2.7 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,102,35)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 26147
[R] STOR blog_post.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 5.138 seconds (measured here), 15.00 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409105858 blog_post.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME blog_post.php 20100409105858 20100409105858 20100409105858 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: blog_post.php 77 KB in 5.11 seconds (15.1 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,161,188)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 41404
[R] STOR blog_inlinemod.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 1.716 seconds (measured here), 33.59 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409105856 blog_inlinemod.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME blog_inlinemod.php 20100409105856 20100409105856 20100409105856 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: blog_inlinemod.php 57 KB in 1.73 second (33.2 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,133,60)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 34108
[R] STOR blog_external.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 3.259 seconds (measured here), 3.91 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409105852 blog_external.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME blog_external.php 20100409105852 20100409105852 20100409105852 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: blog_external.php 12 KB in 3.30 seconds (3.9 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,174,115)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 44659
[R] STOR blog_callback.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 0.567 seconds (measured here), 6.42 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409105848 blog_callback.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME blog_callback.php 20100409105848 20100409105848 20100409105848 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: blog_callback.php 3 KB in 0.56 seconds (6.5 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,166,11)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 42507
[R] STOR blog_attachment.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 0.481 seconds (measured here), 7.03 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011844 blog_attachment.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME blog_attachment.php 20100409011844 20100409011844 20100409011844 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: blog_attachment.php 3 KB in 0.50 seconds (6.9 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,190,19)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 48659
[R] STOR blog_ajax.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 0.907 seconds (measured here), 20.09 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409105840 blog_ajax.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME blog_ajax.php 20100409105840 20100409105840 20100409105840 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: blog_ajax.php 18 KB in 1.00 second (18.2 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,132,187)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 33979
[R] STOR blog.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 3.957 seconds (measured here), 30.92 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409105834 blog.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME blog.php 20100409105834 20100409105834 20100409105834 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: blog.php 122 KB in 3.89 seconds (31.4 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,138,245)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 35573
[R] STOR attachment_inlinemod.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 0.527 seconds (measured here), 11.33 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011842 attachment_inlinemod.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME attachment_inlinemod.php 20100409011842 20100409011842 20100409011842 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: attachment_inlinemod.php 6 KB in 0.53 seconds (11.6 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,197,64)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 50496
[R] STOR attachment.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 0.821 seconds (measured here), 18.70 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011844 attachment.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME attachment.php 20100409011844 20100409011844 20100409011844 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: attachment.php 15 KB in 0.84 seconds (18.2 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,151,61)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 38717
[R] STOR assetmanage.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 0.960 seconds (measured here), 20.59 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011844 assetmanage.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME assetmanage.php 20100409011844 20100409011844 20100409011844 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: assetmanage.php 20 KB in 0.98 seconds (20.8 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,170,1)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 43521
[R] STOR asset.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 0.715 seconds (measured here), 12.21 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011844 asset.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME asset.php 20100409011844 20100409011844 20100409011844 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: asset.php 9 KB in 0.72 seconds (12.6 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,123,84)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 31572
[R] STOR announcement.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 3.425 seconds (measured here), 5.43 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011840 announcement.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME announcement.php 20100409011840 20100409011840 20100409011840 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: announcement.php 18 KB in 3.47 seconds (5.4 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,173,4)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 44292
[R] STOR album.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 4.640 seconds (measured here), 15.90 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011844 album.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME album.php 20100409011844 20100409011844 20100409011844 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: album.php 73 KB in 4.55 seconds (16.2 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,109,63)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 27967
[R] STOR ajax.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 1.299 seconds (measured here), 28.60 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011844 ajax.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME ajax.php 20100409011844 20100409011844 20100409011844 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: ajax.php 37 KB in 1.31 second (28.3 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,192,248)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 49400
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-Options: -a -l
[R] 226 101 matches total
[R] List Complete: 12 KB in 1.20 second (10.0 KB/s)
Transfer queue completed
Transferred 467 files totaling 5.93 MB in 24 minutes 21 seconds (9.7 KB/s)
Skipped 3 files
[R] Error: 10054: Connection reset by peer
[R] Connection lost: ftp.eb2a.com
[R] Connecting to ftp.eb2a.com -> DNS=ftp.eb2a.com IP= PORT=21
[R] Connected to ftp.eb2a.com
[R] 220-FTP server ready.
[R] 220 This is a private system - No anonymous login
[R] USER eb2a_6673587
[R] 331 User eb2a_6673587 OK. Password required
[R] PASS (hidden)
[R] 530 Login authentication failed
[R] Connection failed
[R] Delaying for 120 seconds before reconnect attempt #1
[R] Connecting to ftp.eb2a.com -> DNS=ftp.eb2a.com IP= PORT=21 (attempt # 1)
[R] Connected to ftp.eb2a.com
[R] 220-FTP server ready.
[R] 220 This is a private system - No anonymous login
[R] USER eb2a_6673587
[R] 331 User eb2a_6673587 OK. Password required
[R] PASS (hidden)
[R] 530 Login authentication failed
[R] Connection failed
[R] Delaying for 120 seconds before reconnect attempt #2)

واسف على الاطاله وبرجاء الرد سريعا وشكرا

محلولة بس غير النسخة خيو
طب دة معنا اية

هاد انو مانك معدل على ــــFTP ولا شي وبدون كونفج ولا شي بس رافع VB بدون شي خلص انا بسويلك ياهون
عادل جلال     
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
أخى بارك الله فيك شرح رائع
جعله الله فى ميزان حسناتك
ولكن عند التنسيب ظهرت رسالة سابقة رغم الإعادة عدة مرات

vBulletin 4.0.3 Install Script
(Please be patient as some parts may take some time)

Step 2) Connect to the database (Step 2 of 15)

Step 2) Connect to the database
Attempting to attach to database
Error description: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) /home/vol8/eb2a.com/eb2a_7126398/htdocs/vb/includes/class_core.php on line 311

The database has failed to connect because you do not have permission to connect to the server. Please confirm the values entered in the 'includes/config.php' file.

vBulletin 2011 vBulletin Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
vBulletin v4.0.3, Copyright © 2010 vBulletin Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.

فالرجا المساعدة والتواصل

اخى العزيز اولا جزاك الله كل خير على المجهود الرائع المبذول فى الشرح ولكن قد واجهتنى مشكله لم اجدلها حل ارجو منك الافاده وهى بعد ما قمت بحجز الاستضافه فى الموقع وقمت بتعديل ملف ال


واجهتنى بعض الصعوبات فى رفع البيانات الى الموقع فبعد ان قمت بتشغيل البرنامج وبدء برفع البيانات فضل حوالى 1ساعه او ساعة ونصف ثم قام بارسال كلمه Connection failed ثم بعد ذلك توقفت عمليه الرفع

وهذه هى بيانات عملية الرفع للافاده ([R] MDTM 20100409105938 entry.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME entry.php 20100409105938 20100409105938 20100409105938 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: entry.php 1 KB in 0.27 seconds (5.0 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,100,123)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 25723
[R] STOR editpost.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 1.494 seconds (measured here), 30.27 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011844 editpost.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME editpost.php 20100409011844 20100409011844 20100409011844 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: editpost.php 45 KB in 1.52 second (29.8 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,233,226)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 59874
[R] STOR editor.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 0.254 seconds (measured here), 6.37 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011842 editor.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME editor.php 20100409011842 20100409011842 20100409011842 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: editor.php 1 KB in 0.27 seconds (6.2 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,157,199)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 40391
[R] STOR css.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 0.479 seconds (measured here), 8.24 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011842 css.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME css.php 20100409011842 20100409011842 20100409011842 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: css.php 4 KB in 0.48 seconds (8.4 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,160,72)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 41032
[R] STOR cron.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 0.460 seconds (measured here), 6.88 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011844 cron.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME cron.php 20100409011844 20100409011844 20100409011844 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: cron.php 3 KB in 0.48 seconds (6.5 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,113,194)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 29122
[R] STOR converse.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 0.840 seconds (measured here), 17.75 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011844 converse.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME converse.php 20100409011844 20100409011844 20100409011844 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: converse.php 15 KB in 0.84 seconds (18.2 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,90,43)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 23083
[R] STOR content.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 0.257 seconds (measured here), 6.25 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011844 content.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME content.php 20100409011844 20100409011844 20100409011844 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: content.php 1 KB in 0.28 seconds (5.7 KB/s)
[R] 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,123,71)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 31559
[R] STOR clear.gif
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 0.253 seconds (measured here), 169.90 bytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011840 clear.gif
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME clear.gif 20100409011840 20100409011840 20100409011840 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: clear.gif 43 bytes in 0.27 seconds (0.2 KB/s)
[R] 200 TYPE is now ASCII
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,186,127)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 47743
[R] STOR calendar.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 5.117 seconds (measured here), 18.32 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011844 calendar.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME calendar.php 20100409011844 20100409011844 20100409011844 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: calendar.php 93 KB in 5.20 seconds (18.0 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,116,197)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 29893
[R] STOR blog_usercp.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 7.385 seconds (measured here), 14.30 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409105918 blog_usercp.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME blog_usercp.php 20100409105918 20100409105918 20100409105918 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: blog_usercp.php 105 KB in 7.24 seconds (14.6 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,175,214)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 45014
[R] STOR blog_tag.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 3.763 seconds (measured here), 2.04 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011844 blog_tag.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME blog_tag.php 20100409011844 20100409011844 20100409011844 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: blog_tag.php 7 KB in 3.66 seconds (2.2 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,109,90)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 27994
[R] STOR blog_subscription.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 3.145 seconds (measured here), 9.65 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409105912 blog_subscription.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME blog_subscription.php 20100409105912 20100409105912 20100409105912 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: blog_subscription.php 30 KB in 3.17 seconds (9.6 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,227,110)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 58222
[R] STOR blog_search.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 0.883 seconds (measured here), 19.93 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409105906 blog_search.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME blog_search.php 20100409105906 20100409105906 20100409105906 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: blog_search.php 17 KB in 0.89 seconds (19.8 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,221,21)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 56597
[R] STOR blog_report.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 3.138 seconds (measured here), 2.69 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409105902 blog_report.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME blog_report.php 20100409105902 20100409105902 20100409105902 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: blog_report.php 8 KB in 3.14 seconds (2.7 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,102,35)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 26147
[R] STOR blog_post.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 5.138 seconds (measured here), 15.00 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409105858 blog_post.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME blog_post.php 20100409105858 20100409105858 20100409105858 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: blog_post.php 77 KB in 5.11 seconds (15.1 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,161,188)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 41404
[R] STOR blog_inlinemod.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 1.716 seconds (measured here), 33.59 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409105856 blog_inlinemod.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME blog_inlinemod.php 20100409105856 20100409105856 20100409105856 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: blog_inlinemod.php 57 KB in 1.73 second (33.2 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,133,60)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 34108
[R] STOR blog_external.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 3.259 seconds (measured here), 3.91 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409105852 blog_external.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME blog_external.php 20100409105852 20100409105852 20100409105852 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: blog_external.php 12 KB in 3.30 seconds (3.9 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,174,115)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 44659
[R] STOR blog_callback.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 0.567 seconds (measured here), 6.42 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409105848 blog_callback.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME blog_callback.php 20100409105848 20100409105848 20100409105848 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: blog_callback.php 3 KB in 0.56 seconds (6.5 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,166,11)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 42507
[R] STOR blog_attachment.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 0.481 seconds (measured here), 7.03 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011844 blog_attachment.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME blog_attachment.php 20100409011844 20100409011844 20100409011844 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: blog_attachment.php 3 KB in 0.50 seconds (6.9 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,190,19)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 48659
[R] STOR blog_ajax.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 0.907 seconds (measured here), 20.09 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409105840 blog_ajax.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME blog_ajax.php 20100409105840 20100409105840 20100409105840 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: blog_ajax.php 18 KB in 1.00 second (18.2 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,132,187)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 33979
[R] STOR blog.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 3.957 seconds (measured here), 30.92 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409105834 blog.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME blog.php 20100409105834 20100409105834 20100409105834 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: blog.php 122 KB in 3.89 seconds (31.4 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,138,245)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 35573
[R] STOR attachment_inlinemod.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 0.527 seconds (measured here), 11.33 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011842 attachment_inlinemod.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME attachment_inlinemod.php 20100409011842 20100409011842 20100409011842 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: attachment_inlinemod.php 6 KB in 0.53 seconds (11.6 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,197,64)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 50496
[R] STOR attachment.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 0.821 seconds (measured here), 18.70 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011844 attachment.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME attachment.php 20100409011844 20100409011844 20100409011844 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: attachment.php 15 KB in 0.84 seconds (18.2 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,151,61)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 38717
[R] STOR assetmanage.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 0.960 seconds (measured here), 20.59 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011844 assetmanage.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME assetmanage.php 20100409011844 20100409011844 20100409011844 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: assetmanage.php 20 KB in 0.98 seconds (20.8 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,170,1)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 43521
[R] STOR asset.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 0.715 seconds (measured here), 12.21 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011844 asset.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME asset.php 20100409011844 20100409011844 20100409011844 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: asset.php 9 KB in 0.72 seconds (12.6 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,123,84)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 31572
[R] STOR announcement.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 3.425 seconds (measured here), 5.43 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011840 announcement.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME announcement.php 20100409011840 20100409011840 20100409011840 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: announcement.php 18 KB in 3.47 seconds (5.4 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,173,4)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 44292
[R] STOR album.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 4.640 seconds (measured here), 15.90 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011844 album.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME album.php 20100409011844 20100409011844 20100409011844 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: album.php 73 KB in 4.55 seconds (16.2 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,109,63)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 27967
[R] STOR ajax.php
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-File successfully transferred
[R] 226 1.299 seconds (measured here), 28.60 Kbytes per second
[R] MDTM 20100409011844 ajax.php
[R] 550 Can't check for file existence
[R] SITE UTIME ajax.php 20100409011844 20100409011844 20100409011844 UTC
[R] 250 UTIME OK
Transferred: ajax.php 37 KB in 1.31 second (28.3 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,190,85,253,192,248)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 49400
[R] 150 Accepted data connection
[R] 226-Options: -a -l
[R] 226 101 matches total
[R] List Complete: 12 KB in 1.20 second (10.0 KB/s)
Transfer queue completed
Transferred 467 files totaling 5.93 MB in 24 minutes 21 seconds (9.7 KB/s)
Skipped 3 files
[R] Error: 10054: Connection reset by peer
[R] Connection lost: ftp.eb2a.com
[R] Connecting to ftp.eb2a.com -> DNS=ftp.eb2a.com IP= PORT=21
[R] Connected to ftp.eb2a.com
[R] 220-FTP server ready.
[R] 220 This is a private system - No anonymous login
[R] USER eb2a_6673587
[R] 331 User eb2a_6673587 OK. Password required
[R] PASS (hidden)
[R] 530 Login authentication failed
[R] Connection failed
[R] Delaying for 120 seconds before reconnect attempt #1
[R] Connecting to ftp.eb2a.com -> DNS=ftp.eb2a.com IP= PORT=21 (attempt # 1)
[R] Connected to ftp.eb2a.com
[R] 220-FTP server ready.
[R] 220 This is a private system - No anonymous login
[R] USER eb2a_6673587
[R] 331 User eb2a_6673587 OK. Password required
[R] PASS (hidden)
[R] 530 Login authentication failed
[R] Connection failed
[R] Delaying for 120 seconds before reconnect attempt #2)

واسف على الاطاله وبرجاء الرد سريعا وشكرا

طب دة معنا اية
database error in vbulletin :
Invalid sql:
Show engines;
mysql error : Out of memory (needed 2095428 bytes)
error number : 5
request date : Sunday, november 7th 2010 @ 05:26:30 pm
error date : Sunday, november 7th 2010 @ 05:26:30 pm
script : http://www.xxx.eb2a.com/vb/install/install.php?step=3
referrer : http://www.xxx.eb2a.com/vb/install/install.php?step=2
ip address :
username :
Classname : Vb_database
mysql version : 5.1.49-1
مشكور أخي
تم حل المشكله

قمت بتحميل مجلد instal مره اخرى

والحمد لله الأمور تمام

وهذا رابط المنتدى


بانتظار الدرس الرابع اخي الكريم

أهلاً بك

الدرس الرابع موجود مذ مدة طويلة تفضل الرابط


تم حل المشكله

قمت بتحميل مجلد instal مره اخرى

والحمد لله الأمور تمام

وهذا رابط المنتدى


بانتظار الدرس الرابع اخي الكريم
اخي الكريم
جزاك الله خيرا على عملك الجبار هذا
وجعله في ميزان حسناتك يا طيب

اما بعد
اخي انا اتبعت الدرس الاول .. مافي مشاكل
الدرس الثاني ... شويه مشاكل بسبب النت
الدرس الثالث .. كله تمام لحين وصلت للمرحله 14.. انظر ما يظهر لي عند الاستمرار


ارجو ان تساعدني وشكرا
اخى الغالى
انا عملت كل الخطوات سليمه
ورفعت الملفات تمام
بس لما حاولت اعمل تنصيب للمنتدى
مش راضى يفتح معايا
The webpage cannot be found

ايه الحل او فين الغلط
الرجاء النصيحه ولك جزيل الشكر
تأكد من رفع الملفات بشكل كامل وخصوصاً

وأيضاً لتدخل vb
يجب ان تقوم بعملية تنصيب المنتدى أولاً